Technical Assistance and Development Pool (TADP)
The Mid-South Minority Council TADP, Inc. (TADP) is a 501(c)(3) training and development program established in 2002 by the Mid-South Minority Business Council (MMBC). The TADP and The MMBC Continuum work together to bring world-class programs and services to mid-south businesses to promote economic development.
Primarily first-generation business owners, minority and women-owned businesses lacked some business structure, strategic planning, access to financial resources and management practices that promote growth and development. The programs and services of the TADP are tailored to the unique environment in which businesses operate. Additionally, the breadth and depth of TADP programs and services highlight the experience and knowledge needed to support and enhance business growth.

Cash Continuum
The Cash Continuum is a closed-loop collaborative financial services solution for small businesses, primarily minority and women-owned (M/WBE). The solution provides access to cash, financial services education, technical assistance, consulting, and one-on-one mentoring. It is designed to serve businesses at all stages of the business lifecycle through a streamlined approach to guide business owners in gaining access to cash, grants, micro and commercial loans, lines of credit, equity investments, and mergers and acquisitions.

Loan Fund
The MMBC Continuum recognized the growth needs of minority-owned businesses and has developed programs to assist these firms with growing their businesses. Consequently, The MMBC Continuum Working Capital Loan Fund (WCLF) was started for the purpose of providing access to working capital funds for M/WBEs in construction related industries.
The working capital loan fund is available to MMBC Continuum M/WBE members with contracts awarded by MMBC Continuum corporate members.
Borrower eligibility under the working capital loan fund is limited to:
- Ethnic/racial minority business enterprises (or those under a protected group as recognized by the Federal Government), who have been certified by the Uniform Certification Agency (UCA), and have a contract with a MMBC Continuum corporate member
- Borrowers having at least 51% ownership in the business
- Owner(s) has a strong management with proven experience in the business
Loan applications, at a minimum must include the following borrower information:
- A history of the business
- Purpose for the loan and a source of repayment
- Financial statements for the most current 3 years
- Schedule of term debt
- Aging of accounts receivables and payables
- Signed personal and corporate income tax returns for the most current 3 years
- Personal guaranty of the borrower
For more information contact Working Capital Loan Manager at (901) 525-6512.

Funders and Supporters
We extend special appreciation to our 2022 Grant Funders, Supporters, and other Strategic Partners for your continued support, and ongoing efforts to engage with us in our journey to economic inclusion. You are our Success Builders.
2025 TADP Funders and Supporters