Welcome to The Mid-South Minority Business Council Continuum’s (The MMBC Continuum) Website. The MMBC Continuum is an economic accelerator for stage II Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (M/WBEs) that successfully connects diverse suppliers with the Mid-South’s largest corporations. If you are a minority or woman-owned business to business firm seeking to connect with major corporations or if you are a large corporation seeking to inclusive procurement with diverse suppliers, then you’ve connected to the right organization. We invite you to become a member. If you are a scalable M/WBE firm that has the capacity to grow jobs, then we can help position you to grow your revenue, train your workforce, and expand your capacity through joint ventures.

As a large corporation, The MMBC Continuum has a proven track record of helping corporate leaders achieve success by proving access to scalable firms by industry, distributing and communicating procurement opportunities via RFPs and RFQs, assisting with supplier sourcing, and joint venture formation. The MMBC Continuum also has an initiative to enhance and institutionalize inclusion efforts. As the premier economic development organization in the Mid-South, The MMBC Continuum creates innovative programs and services that produce results.

Please review our website to learn more about how we can assist you. Your membership in our organization is very important to us. On behalf the Board of Directors and Staff of The MMBC Continuum, The Uniform Certification Agency (UCA) and the Tennessee MBDA Business Center, I welcome you to learn more about the many opportunities to grow, expand and thrive.


Jozelle Luster Booker
President & CEO


The Mid-South Minority Business Council Continuum (The MMBC Continuum) was established as a part of the Memphis Area Chamber of Commerce in 1973. In 1988, GOALS for Memphis, a think tank of Memphis executives, identified four strategic priorities for the future of Memphis. Minority economic development was one of those priorities. This renewed emphasis on minority development spurred resurgence in the Memphis Regional Purchasing Council, and in 1989, it became a self-sufficient free standing organization with an independent Board of Directors comprised of senior executives of member corporations.

Today, The MMBC Continuum serves as the Mid-South’s foremost minority business development organization and is highly respected by the corporate community as a trusted source of knowledge and expertise.

The Mid-South Minority Business Council recently changed its name to The MMBC Continuum, to clearly reflect the continuous efforts of the organization to advance minority economic development.



The MMBC Continuum is considered the foremost economic development organization and is viewed as a valued strategic partner by government agencies, municipalities, major corporations and community agency organizations fostering diversity, equity and inclusion in the pursuit of M/WBE growth and all of its economic impacts.


The MMBC Continuum – The Organization

The MMBC Continuum is organized to provide professional customer service to its members. The Business Development Specialists (BDS) are a key factor in the marketing of the organization’s value added services. In addition to the Uniform Certification Agency (UCA) process, the Business Development Specialists have responsibility for a specific “Book of Business” consisting of minority and women business enterprise members from various industries. Each BDS is very familiar with the member through the assessment of their business and keeps abreast of the changing global competitive market and industry trends in order to provide added value to members.

MMBC Continuum Staff

Jozelle Luster Booker
President & CEO

Natalie Robinson
Vice President and Director of Communications & Marketing

Melba Chester
Director of Core Development and MMC-TADP, Inc.

Brittney Elkins
Program Manager

LaShonda McBride
Director, Member Registration

Doris Batchelor
Executive Assistant to the President & CEO

Capryka Hunt
Administrative Program Assistant

Tennessee MBDA Business Center Staff

Lawrence Browder, Jr.
MBDA Project Director

Kelli Wiggins
Business Development Specialist

Cedric Hamilton
Director, Business Development

Brittney Gaines
Senior Project Assistant